Thursday, April 24, 2014


This time I going to talk about something that always motivates me and this is the music of The GazettE and anime.

The GazettE is a japanise band. About their style of music I don't really know how describe it, is something like j-rock, is very varied. They have a five members Ruki the vocalist, Reita in the bass, Aoi and Uruha in the guitar and Kai in the drums. And althrougt you don't understand the lyrics, the music for itself make you feel a lot of emotions. This is one of the reason because i love them and they music of course. They songs aren't very happy but is so beautiful.

About anime, what can I said?... well, I going to talk about my favorite anime they are Psycho pass and Hetalia. They are very different, psycho pass is a anime that make you think about the sistem and society, a lot of things. And Hetalia is a comedy where the countries are humanize... yeah is weird but I love it!

They are the thing that I love and make me happy althrougt they are not this type of thihg (except for Hetalia).

That's all. See you!

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