Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hello everybody!

Well, how you have to know this is the last post on the blog. So I’m going to talk about my experience writing a blog for the English class. I never use a blog before so this was a new experience for me. Long time ago I wanted to write a blog but I never do it because I didn’t know it what topic they could have.

I know that my writing skills aren’t very good but in this time I tried to do the best for developed it. And I think that this blog was a good idea although I have to admitted that write in English is difficult and the hour when we writing not help so much because is too late and my brain doesn’t work very well before  the sun is gone. But the blog was an interesting experience.

In the future I would like include… Well I don’t know the future is uncertain but continue writing in the blog is not a bad idea. In the future I would like to write about more things like some topics that we like it, books, films, music, art, etc. We can talk to a lot of things >w<

… Said and think in this how the last post is a little sad, didn’t?

See you!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hello everybody!

This time I am going to talk about my career psychology.

I have to be honest I don’t know why I am here. When I finished the school I really don’t know what study but I have to study something! I can’t lose time taking a free time. There are a lot of things that I want to do but for that I need money. So between all career I chose Psychology because I thing that is interesting although I like literature too.

I don’t know much about it, but for the moment my favourite subject are Philosophy and Psychobiology. The first because is very very interesting I always love the Philosophy although all philosopher have mania for speaking difficult, what happen to them? As soon as Psychobiology is entertaining the teacher makes it so. I like when he draw for explain.

Well psychologists are very important for society although for the general of people they are crazy but are no true. Look the problems of people and group in different areas their conducts, help them. I think is very important for this discipline is be aware of what is happening today because this affect directly to the person with the psychologist work, also be ethic because you are working whit person you can’t do whatever you want and finally have vocation in all jobs or career you need vocation if you want to be happy whit that and in this point I wonder what I am doing here? This is what I want for me? I don’ know how to answer.

That’s all for the moment! See you!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

3 Rs

Hello everybody!

Well, a new week a new post!

This time I going to talk about something that I think is important the 3Rs, they are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. To be honest I don’t know much about the 3Rs I only know basic think like all, thing that the schools teach you in some moment. And the more that I know is about recycle because is the more famous, all people know about recycle although they didn’t do it.

Long time ago I started to Recycle and separate the trash, like the plastic thing in one part, the paper in other things like that, but with the time I forgotten it so since then I never do it again. I would like do it again because I think is very important take care about our planet is the only place when we can live so we can’t lose it and the 3Rs is  one of the manners to do it!

We had to take conscience.

That is all! Bye bye! 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What I would like to learn?

Hello everybody!

This time I going to talk you about something that I want to learn. Well, there are a lot of thing that I would like to learn, so let’s start!

I always want to learn to play some instrument and I tried to do it… but I fail. When I was young I tried to learn to play the keyboards but I left it, I don’t remember why. Later, I tried to learn to play violin, but at that time I had to much thing to do so I forget that I had a violin and my motivation is gone and finally in the 2012 I tried to play guitar and what happened? … yeah, I left it again.

But you know… I really want to try learn how to play that instrument above all the violin and keyboard again.

Now talking about the future, I really would like to learn to play the bass, because I love this instrument although in the majority of the song pass unnoticed and is one of the reasons because I love bass solo.

Also, I want to learn some language like Japanese, Russian, German, French and Icelandic… well there are more language that I want learn. To be realistic is so difficult who I can do it, because they are so hard to learn and I don’t have much time, but is not impossible, didn’t?

I think that is all. See you!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Hi everybody!

I know is a little late but is as they say better late that never, didn't?

Ok let's start! This time I'm going to tell you about a place I like to eat out. Actually I don't have any place in specific for to be honest. I can eat in any place that it have something that I like and is clean.

Recently I've been going to many local fast food but I'm bored of them. I have to admit I miss some home cooking although I don't really like it.

Well, come back to the theme I don't have any place in specific, but if I have to chose something there is a place of the plaza of Puente Alto called "Karina" where sell food, fast food, ice cream and more. Is not like the best place to go for eat but is okey. What I like from there is the milkshake from there is really good. I love it!

But is a long time ago that I not go. And now seems they closed, I don't know why.

Talking about food. I want to go some restaurant of Japanese foor or Italian or whatever other country. I really want to try taste different food!

That is all. See you!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A little of Jean Piaget

Hi everyone!

This time I going to talk about the topic of my presentation. That is Jean Piaget a  biologist,  psychologist and epistemologist swiss.

I choose him because he was very important for the theorys of development and in the education of children.
He was born in Neuchatel Switzerland  in 1896 his father was Arthur Piaget a professor in the University of Neuchatel and his Mother was a French woman called Rebeca Jackson.

He was the creator of the “genetic epistemology”, in there he take the epistemology not like a science that study the science, he take the epistemology like the investigation of the cognitive ability. About that theory of the children’s cognitive development he said that the principle of logic start to settle before of the acquisition of leunguage through of interaction with the external of him. And he created the International Center for Genetic Epistemology in Geneva in 1955 and directed it until his dead in 1980.And Other of his theorys was the theory of constructivism learning.

In the presentation I going to talk a little of his life and after about him like biologist, psychologist and epistemologist for separated, emphasise in the most importat thing that he did.

I think that is all for the moment.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Hi everybody!

Today I going to talk about my ambitions. To be honest I have a lot of them , so I don’t know how to start… Ok, let’s go.

One of my ambition is Travel aroud the wold, yes I know is something common but this is really that I want from the bottom of my heart. Visit places like Iceland, Norway, Japan, France, Belgium, etc. All countrys posible would make me so happy. The motive is a Little silly for others people and so personal to me so I can’t say so much. I like they all culture. And this is why I want t olear a lot of diferent language.

My second ambition is be a writer. The kind of writer that his book persist in the time, not something is forget after at time. Yeah… is so difficult for someone like me, but is that I want and I going to figth for it!  My motive is I really love book, I think is so wonderful  how a person can create a new wold only with words. I love it.

Ther are more thing that I want do but for this time thats all.
